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ET Ultimate
ET Ultimate
Joined: Nov 2007
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2023 Invisible Clan 隱形戰隊隱形戰隊隱形戰隊 演員:馬國明/唐詩詠/陳山聰/劉穎鏇/劉佩玥/江美儀/林子善/歐瑞偉/樊亦敏/郭子豪/陳展鵬
簡介: 簡曜洋、顧家強、喬寶寶、喬帶囡曾是反恐特勤隊的「四劍俠」,一次行動的一個錯誤決定,令四人各散東西,情誼不再。後來,一宗無差別殺人事件令四人重遇,惟當中的怨恨仍糾纏不清。隱形任務戰略部隊是反恐情報組另一精銳,主管方國希賞識寶寶,招攬麾下;隊內仰慕拍檔曜洋的杜小婕得悉寶寶與曜洋的前戀人關係,從此「開戰」。鬧市發生連串爆炸案,寶寶調查時向獄中極度重犯匡勝天求教,過程意外地順利,原來勝天潛藏着巨大陰謀……
Attached Images i01.torrent (46.96 KB, 1340 downloads) SHA1: eb67ec2bc15fcc8c228972e62d4b5977e86cb4fb i02.torrent (46.54 KB, 1206 downloads) SHA1: 0c45927fac2e6e809d31d537f62a1602d98be34d i03.torrent (46.85 KB, 1224 downloads) SHA1: f1029c19b4ef0eedb74504304dca8ecc99aa0eac i04.torrent (47.05 KB, 1169 downloads) SHA1: e633ba4bf454448928d66309235fe5ab3c3e8e94 i05.torrent (46.94 KB, 1143 downloads) SHA1: a50525fd317b3abf41253f30619c965dc0b344e7
Last edited by ETPlanet; 03/11/23 04:02 PM .
Joined: Nov 2007
Likes: 62
ET Ultimate
ET Ultimate
Joined: Nov 2007
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Attached Images i06.torrent (47.17 KB, 2378 downloads) SHA1: dca5177ddd610b777fa51cd8ffece82ba4af8c40 i07.torrent (46.8 KB, 1142 downloads) SHA1: 7d8b883e20c5cdf7193692ac14fe885409593f8e i08.torrent (46.91 KB, 1129 downloads) SHA1: b457d6e6e46ec130bdb29ecde416c2cd3f8dd870 i09.torrent (46.95 KB, 2422 downloads) SHA1: 9df311c0831b45cb892b06ba9a59708551ca2f42 i10.torrent (46.81 KB, 1119 downloads) SHA1: bb0052d1be6e13ef7c98dc4dcdc2798407a6d770
Last edited by ETPlanet; 03/18/23 03:43 PM .
Joined: Nov 2007
Likes: 62
ET Ultimate
ET Ultimate
Joined: Nov 2007
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Attached Images i11.torrent (47.3 KB, 1115 downloads) SHA1: 3d5210048b9887a34a74d3af062217c8f7d93883 i12.torrent (46.47 KB, 1064 downloads) SHA1: 0d045556566aa9b9c4c217f82080c4e0be18bdb6 i13.torrent (46.81 KB, 1065 downloads) SHA1: ff176b65b015c657d76acd2a67ed41a7b32230d5 i14.torrent (46.75 KB, 1042 downloads) SHA1: 57d4711ddda6f24e85e191b0241752bed164241e i15.torrent (47.3 KB, 1022 downloads) SHA1: 7e42bd5194304680b48b4377792b16cf858165f5
Last edited by ETPlanet; 03/25/23 04:41 PM .
Joined: Nov 2007
Likes: 62
ET Ultimate
ET Ultimate
Joined: Nov 2007
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Attached Images i16.torrent (46.8 KB, 1053 downloads) SHA1: dc5fe1d8977dd87b6bae537fb572370c197c782b i17.torrent (46.85 KB, 1067 downloads) SHA1: 715ecdc2695e5a2925ca0f9b41b57b76c1d5133b i18.torrent (46.62 KB, 1047 downloads) SHA1: 30570c03038de467f2449242fdb6fe25cda7a536 i19.torrent (46.68 KB, 1047 downloads) SHA1: bea6af0219ec692323f217ae2d57d4a282fce794 i20.torrent (46.62 KB, 1041 downloads) SHA1: 74914695abc7d9331e632e8dd79f8935202facfa
Last edited by ETPlanet; 04/01/23 04:50 AM .
ET Senior
ET Senior
Joined: Nov 2017
Hey ET Planet, Could you please fix Episode 12, the video/audio keeps cutting, I'm only five minutes in and it just keeps cutting every now and then? Cheers, Cody
Joined: Nov 2007
Likes: 62
ET Ultimate
ET Ultimate
Joined: Nov 2007
Likes: 62
Didn't see a "fixed" version, but you could try these rmvb version.
Attached Images i12 other.torrent (37.12 KB, 483 downloads) SHA1: dac00d8ec623a3fb40c0b7e3bef58bb527d692bb i12 720p.torrent (61.69 KB, 1784 downloads) SHA1: 4a458a9897021781ea668cec88604d91d03e8574
ET Senior
ET Senior
Joined: Nov 2017
Thanks ET!
Last edited by Cody; 04/01/23 10:33 AM .
Joined: Nov 2007
Likes: 62
ET Ultimate
ET Ultimate
Joined: Nov 2007
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Coming soon.
Attached Images i21 480p.torrent (34.48 KB, 929 downloads) SHA1: ec58ce9b3d87884fa1486980587b225d1bbe7359 i22.torrent (47.07 KB, 1007 downloads) SHA1: b0111b99f7a35d9476516ca94db163a7e0883d69 i23.torrent (46.52 KB, 904 downloads) SHA1: dcbf89ae440ae5fb56ca02ed6bb00014b8626bde i24.torrent (46.9 KB, 2145 downloads) SHA1: edd6fde5c03df58dc9c99181e1be6b8dd17c1aea i25.torrent (47.13 KB, 929 downloads) SHA1: d12eda81b5c3b4a1f2f11adb002fc2aca0c8158a i21.torrent (46.89 KB, 711 downloads) SHA1: 478f849861fc4eccea35436f44e619e168b17800
Last edited by ETPlanet; 04/09/23 04:39 PM .
ET Cell
ET Cell
Joined: Apr 2023
Ep01 torrent not running. Tried many times.
Joined: Nov 2007
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ET Ultimate
ET Ultimate
Joined: Nov 2007
Likes: 62
Ep1 works fine for me and started downloading within a minute. It's likely your internet service provider is blocking the connection. Try using a VPN. I have posted an alternative link below which I have also tested. But takes a little longer to start downloading. Side note, all chinese torrent usually last 1-2 weeks. After that, it's really depends on luck. As not many people will continue to seed the torrent to keep it alive. At ep22, it's well past that time frame. So it definitely will take a lot longer to connect to a seeder. Btw, most bt client can check if connections to the torrent host is possible through right click -> properties (for Windows). You should check that to see why and if any seeders are left.
Attached Images i01 480.torrent (35.79 KB, 273 downloads) SHA1: 913d6d23d4ea6496983b7c12338a2d107b425a1f