2022 Ghost Cleansing Ltd 凶宅清潔師

監製: 盧思麟, 洪永城, C君
編審: 盧思麟, C君
演員: 洪永城 (飾招日晨), 傅嘉莉 (飾程子昕), 鄭俊弘 (飾洪逸曦), 李成昌 (飾尹月平), BenSir (飾歐陽暉), 方紹聰 (飾陳永青), 張達倫 (飾招俊鵬), C君 (飾常旭), 李梓謙 (飾尹天朗), 阮政峰 (飾盧偉恒)

十八年前一宗倫常慘案,年少的招仔與好友洪仔因玩碟仙惹禍,令招仔父母慘死,幸得法師尹月平相救,幸免於難,招仔決心跟隨月平成為驅鬼法師…… 一次追查凶宅靈異事件,招仔重遇洪仔,原來當日悲劇令洪仔活在碟仙鬼的陰霾下;另一邊廂,拍攝靈探節目的網台主播小美在一間廢置學校,尋回當日召碟仙的青花瓷碟,而身陷險境。招仔趕至,能否救回小美、並將惡鬼殺死,大仇得報?

Every 星期六晚上

Note: may take some time for a seeder to show up or it could really be dead since it started its broadcast in August.

Attached Images
g01.torrent (47.13 KB, 633 downloads)
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SHA1: b5996caba74eeb7b1fd779c6a6be1c63b22c99ce
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SHA1: d2405fb84ad002e0615e595feebb4492b8dcfab3
g08.torrent (46.88 KB, 559 downloads)
SHA1: 60ca7ea280185f55ba7f9e95ac54c96fc3c9f022
g09.torrent (61.56 KB, 587 downloads)
SHA1: 2498ffc227b689bf8b849cf1e2e7964a3a2fa114
g10.torrent (46.84 KB, 585 downloads)
SHA1: a9fa9228b2ba0dcdf50dfa1ac4b562c8134d4e9d