I tried those links as well. They are just blank links to no where. Most likely to attract traffic to their site. It really does not contain video content.
btw, just so you know, regarding bt/torrent links. They usually only last around 2 weeks for new shows. Variety shows or rebroadcast ones, I would say less than 1 week. Unless you see the show rebroadcast in the past week or so, I wouldn't have any hope of a working link. They'll be dead by week 2.
That's why online watching site is the best for now. They work as long as your ISP or their WEBHOST is not blocking your traffic. Just use an adblocker plugin for browser and it's basically all clean from ads. I only recommend watching from PC based browser. I do not really recommend watching from android/ios devices, as the adblocker I tried doesn't do as much or is limited. I personally don't use Google Chrome. Even without anything addon and using strict settings, it allows quite a lot of ads (likely from it's own company). I use Microsoft Edge (based on chrome too). Even without addon, it definitely beats chrome, at least from my previous experience. With the use of addon, it's miles ahead of chrome. Btw, I use is Adguard Adblocker. Have been using it for years and is the one i recommend.
There is also the dns method of blocking, it's more basic and doesn't block as much. Works pretty much everywhere (Win/Mac/Android/ios/router), without the need for external software download. I use them both together. More info for this is here: